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Tansu Citation Cartel

October 9, 2012

It has been a while since my last post revealing the darkest secret of the youngest professor with the hard evidence of self citation.

Tansu should have remorse over his sin for cheating and manipulating citation. In fact, look at the number of publication in 2012. He only has 3 papers in Scopus! Amazing! In 2011 he had 26 papers(which are all self plagiarism, with double or triple publication of the same thing). Now he only managed to have 3 papers in 2012! What a joke! The youngest professor has only 3 papers in a year?


However something even stranger is happening. With only 3 papers, Tansu could not do anymore self citation to manipulate his h index. But something incredible happen. Tansu citation volume double in 2011 and 2012. Look at this graph, taken directly from Scopus data. Tansu attracted more than 700 citations in 2012! How could this happen?


Even more unbelievable look at Tansu h index. Last year Tansu only has h index of 21. Now this year in 2012,Tansu has h index of 31! Can you belive? Tansu can increase 10 index in just one year with no self citation! No one else in the world can do that. Even Prof. Hirsch who invented h index said that a scientist who can increase his h index by 3 in a year is very rare. Tansu managed to manipulate his h index to increase by 10. Does Tansu research become very important that everyone is citing it? BOLLOCKS!


How can Tansu did it without self citation. This is a new research which is called citation cartel.

There is another citation gaming tactic that is much more difficult to detect. It is the citation cartel: group of scientists and authors working together for mutual benefit: citing each other. To date, this behavior has not been widely documented; however, when you first view it, it is astonishing. Tansu formed a citation cartel with his Taiwan friends: asked his friends in Taiwan to keep citing him. In return, Tansu will cite the Taiwan authors as well. From my investigation, Tansu has formed a citation cartel with Taiwan university, namely: Chiao Tung University, Cheng Kung University, Chang Hua university, and Nanyang technological university in Singapore. Tansu managed to increase his citation and h index incredibly. But one start to imagine why all citations for his paper come from Taiwan.

The ease to which Tansu is able to use a cartel to influence his h index concerns me greatly because the cost to do so is very low, the rewards are astonishingly high, it is difficult to detect, and the practice can be facilitated very easily by overlapping authors or through cooperative agreements between them. It’s the perfect strategy for gaming the system. I’m particularly concerned that of all the strategies Tansu employ to boost his h index, the formation of citation cartels is the one that could do the most harm to the citation as a scientific indicator. Because of the way it operates, it has the potential of creating a citation bubble very, very quickly. Unlike self-citation, which is very easy to detect, Scopus  has no algorithm to detect citation cartels, nor a stated policy to help keep this shady behavior at bay. You see it yourself how can Tansu who only publish 3 papers in 2012 able to boost his h index from 21 to 31 in just one year.

Such a shame, self-proclaimed professor to make up h index. First Tansu created Tansu citation group that does self citation to boost his h index to 21. Now even dirtier create Tansu citation Cartel to make h index become 31 in just 1 year!


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